Limit Screen Time for Kids

Kids and Screen time

In a world where technology seems to be more prevalent than physical interaction, it can be difficult to manage our own screen time, let alone our child’s. It can be very tempting to give your child unlimited access to their tablet or gaming console, as they remain quiet and engaged in something that does not require your constant attention;  however, by doing so, we are depriving our children of important experiences and creative development. Too much screen time is an issue in many households throughout the country today. In fact, studies show that 95.6% of Americans have access to a television, and that is only the start of electronics. Amongst televisions, families have computers, laptops, gaming consoles, tablets, and of course smartphones. Thusly, our children have access to technology galore from a very young age.

Technology addiction exists in the way manner that alcoholism or drug addiction occurs. The brain releases the same chemicals that appear rewarding and satisfying to our bodies and creates a desire to feel those same benefits again, so individuals are continually drawn back to the same screen with the same feeling of fulfillment. This feeling can be amplified in children, and the more time they spend on their electronics the more time they feel they need to be on them. Amongst addiction, screen time also alters their vision for the worse and leads to a decline in physical activity. It is very important that we begin limiting our children’s access to screen time in order to preserve their childhood and allow better development of their character.

 Here are some tips to help limit your child’s screen time:

➢  Model proper use of electronics for your children.

➢  Use parental controls to limit time use.

➢  Encourage other activities and provide them with the necessary materials at times.

➢  Screen time should be a privilege.

 Technology can be both beneficial and detrimental to our children’s growth and development, so it is important that we are finding a balance and educating ourselves on the proper use of such. Promote interaction with other children and encourage creative play for your child. Technology will always be an important aspect of our society, but it will be there for the rest of their lives. Make sure your children are fully embracing their childhood because that only lasts for so long.


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