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Learning to Code has Helped Top CEOs

How Has Learning to Code Helped Top CEOs?

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When trying to start up a business, certain skills are extremely helpful in aiding their success. As observed by those who have to build a business from scratch, a good CEO knows how to develop the code needed to make their ideas come to life. 

This idea can be observed by Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom, who taught himself how to code in an attempt to kick-start his app-related dream, or even by the CEO of Dropbox, Drew Houston, who quickly wrote the first few lines of code for his site while waiting for a train. While knowing how to code might not be a complete necessity, it can be beneficial to know when trying to start a business yourself with limited resources. The most prominent CEOs in the world today often thank their coding skills for getting them where they are, which is why coding can be a useful skill to learn even now as a child. 

Even the most basic coding knowledge, can help better understand a company and how it functions. By learning this skill from a young age, kids can hone in on their skillset, which will benefit them in the future. Even expressed by Mark Zuckerberg, knowing how to code provides an enormous benefit for a company because with everything becoming digitalized, having a good code is the start of having a successful company. 

Learning these skills can make a company truly stand out, as a good code equates to a well-established company. Not just for having a successful company in the future, coding is a fun way to teach children how to be creative and express themselves through different outlets. At LogiQMinds, we offer coding courses and encourage children to take on the task of bringing their imagination to life through computer code. Mixing fun and education, by enrolling children in our programs will help them learn how to be successful in the future and perhaps lead them to become one of the world’s top CEOs themselves! 

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