Learning Loss and the Pandemic

Parent Feelings

The simple truth of remote learning is that it is seemingly less effective than learning in person, thus giving way to the one fear many parents have. On average, 38% of parents feel as if their child is learning less than they would during a typical school year with remote teaching to blame.

While the transition was anything but smooth, the need to quickly create an alternative means of learning has most definitely taken time away from teaching in general. It is easy for your child to become distracted when learning online. The at-home environment can lead to disruptions within the learning process, causing children to make less progress within their courses than before. Due to this, many parents feel as if they are at a loss while their children miss out on crucial topics as schools have rushed to complete the 2020 school year. 

As observed yet again during this past school year, online learning has left parents with a distaste as they observe its effects on their children’s education or lack thereof. With parents of children throughout grades K-12 divided on what the best course of action should be to help their child keep up, it is now more important than ever to ensure that they can do just that. Learning centers, such as LogiQMinds, are an excellent means of ensuring that your child stays up-to-date within their education so that they can be well prepared for the future as schools still try to adjust to the effects Covid 19 has left. 

While parents across the nation worry that their children might not be learning as much as they would be before the pandemic, at LogiQMinds, we can help ensure that your child will not suffer the same fate as a majority of their classmates. Enrolling your child in one of our numerous courses will help ensure they regain any seemingly missing knowledge while schools struggle to come to terms with the lasting effects of Covid 19. 

Making sure your child stays dedicated to their education will not only help them get ahead during this troubling time but also prepare them for their future. At LogiQMinds, we are dedicated to making sure those topics that might have been missed during the 2020-2021 school years do not stay missing. Doing so will ensure that your child will not suffer from the learning loss many parents are afraid of and help them get back on track toward their academic goals for the future. 

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MIE: Missing in Education - An Average Loss Due to Covid 19