What We Offer to Help
Getting Back on Track for the New School Year

Helping your child get back on track for school is no easy feat; however, it is important to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible. With an overall loss of learning accounting for roughly 6.8 months of a typical school year, there is no doubt that many children across the nation are suffering from their education. While some families have been hit harder by the pandemic and the effect it has had on their children’s schooling, many are turning to help outside of the school system. This takes shape in the form of tutors, specifically tutoring centers, that can work with their kids one-on-one or within a group to ensure that this educational loss due to Covid does not remain permanent.
Wanting your child to succeed in school is a feeling all parents have; however, it has been difficult for many schools and students to do just that. With the switch to remote learning and the need to quickly adapt, some students were unable to keep up with the shift, resulting in them falling behind. In comparison to their classmates, certain students who lacked access to necessary tools for remote learning were the ones most susceptible to this loss, and many were unaware of how to even work with technology.
Being an important aspect of society not only now but in the future as well, it is crucial that kids learn how to work with technology as it is always changing. At LogiQMinds, we offer courses designed specifically to teach children about the wonders of technology and how to work with it, as it is a necessary skill for the time to come.
As the switch to remote learning resulted in information being rushed or entirely skipped over in an attempt for schools to finish by the year's end, there is no wonder why such a large learning gap has been established. With the lack of additional help from schools being extended to those who suffer the most at the hands of this loss, parents are worried that their children will be unable to catch up by the upcoming school year. However, helping them regain the knowledge not understood or missed can be a great start to close that gap and get your child back on track.
We at LogiQMinds understand how the past two years have been exceptionally difficult on students in grades K-12, and getting back into the groove of things may seem like a daunting task. However, we want to help make sure that the transition is easy for both the students as well as the parents. Knowing that this will not be an easy task, we want to help students obtain the knowledge they may have missed throughout the shortened, unconventional school year.
As the learning gap continues to widen as students begin going back to school, make sure your child is not one that falls behind. By enrolling your child in one of the countless courses offered at LogiQMinds, we can help your child not only learn new skills to help them advance within the school but also establish new ideas so that your child may spark their own love for learning.