8 Reasons School is Educating Kids to Be Ignorant and Depressed!

It is the goal of education to support children's development into conscious, responsible adults who have the necessary life skills and can make significant contributions to the world.

However, the reality is that, in general, school isn't at all like that. Contrarily, school is making most kids dumb and depressed, as it does in most countries around the world. This is how:

1. It instills in kids a sense of obedience.

Children are expected to submit to authority adults at school who instruct them on appropriate and inappropriate behavior.

They are instructed to memorize material that, in most cases, they won't need in their life while sitting at a desk for hours on end without complaining. When to speak, when to move, and even when to urinate are all prescribed.

Many kids who experience this ongoing psychological stress develop chronic anxiety and sadness.

2. It instructs kids on what to think rather than how to think.

Children are not taught in school how to refine their critical thinking abilities so they can evaluate data and draw their judgments when faced with it. Instead, they are compelled to accept what they have been taught only based on faith.

This slows children's intellectual development and makes them mindless automatons who are unable to use logic or challenge the predetermined views they have been taught to embrace.

3. It instills a lack of creativity in children.

Although children have boundless imaginations, schools are excellent at stifling them. For instance, even though the fact that children are very innovative, the arts are hardly ever taught in most schools across the globe since it is typically believed that a profession in the arts is neither lucrative nor significant.

As a result, children are frequently coerced into doing and constantly learning that they don't enjoy and that doesn't help them to develop the creative and imaginative aspects of their psyche. This prevents them from being able to express their creativity through art, music, dance, theatre, and other forms of expression.

4. It instills in kids a dread of failure.

We learn right from wrong through mistakes, which helps us advance in wisdom.

However, school instills in kids a fear of failure and a desire to avoid making mistakes at all costs. They are being forced to study solely for the sake of passing tests, and those who perform poorly on them are degraded and occasionally made fun of as if they were failures.

Because of this, many kids come to associate failure with being a terrible thing, which causes them to avoid setting new objectives later in life for fear of doing so.

5. It instills in kids a negative view of the play.

Children like engaging in activities just for play.

Play fills their hearts with excitement and makes them beam with wide smiles. But as they become older, they are led to feel that playing around is a waste of time because it doesn't earn money. Additionally, they are encouraged to be solemn, stiff, and perpetually concerned with outcomes.

It should come as no surprise that by the time they graduate from school, many kids are extremely anxious, and some of them are even depressed. They are suffering from a persistent state of stress that prevents them from letting go of their worries, relaxing in the present, and enjoying their daily lives.

6. It encourages kids not to follow their hearts.

Children, unlike the majority of adults, are aware of their internal voice and understand why their heartbeats.

But by the time they are adults, they typically have lost touch with that voice due to years and years of psychological conditioning.

The majority of this programming occurs at school, where students are forced to complete tasks, they detest but for which culture rewards them for more than ten years. They consequently frequently waste the remainder of their life on a course that does not provide them with purpose and fulfillment.

7. It educates children to equate success and wealth.

By educating students to link riches with a successful life, schools are using another technique to breed idiots and pessimists in their students.

The primary goal of life, according to what children are taught in school, is to make a good living, which requires getting a solid education in college and landing a well-paying job. As a result, many of them decide against pursuing fulfilling occupations as adults and instead choose to work at jobs that feel like continuous monotony.

8. It educates kids to make sacrifices now for the future.

We just have the moment at hand. The future doesn't exist, just like the past didn't, and if we focus on it too much, we won't be able to appreciate the present. Unfortunately, the majority of us always aspire to a distant goal because we think that when we get there, we'll be content and happy. We were primarily exposed to this thinking in school. Children are taught at school that making sacrifices today will result in tremendous rewards tomorrow.

But since they are constantly thinking about the future, they are unable to enjoy the present, and when they are older, they start to regret having wasted the priceless gift of life.


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