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Break through your comfort zone!

If you are sitting and wondering why you are not achieving what your peers are or confused in understanding what is refraining your development, most probably because you are not allowing yourself to leave your comfort zone and explore what lies ahead.  

It is often easy to do things you are used to and stay within the boundaries where the resistance is minimal. However, if you choose to progress in life, you need to recognize what holds you back and break free.  

But why does the comfort zone harm your productivity? It is because it allows you to be in a situation of safety and control. The safety comes from your belief that it is ideal to stay on the safer side and you are in control because you are aware that there are no repercussions of the decisions you make.  

The second question why comfort zone feels safe? Or what stops you from stepping out of it? It is fear that refrains you from exploring fields that are out of your comfort zone. Several reasons instill this fear in us.  

  • Lack of confidence

  • Allowing others’ opinions to affect us

  • Finding excuses

When you step out of your comfort zone, you must be ready to face the fears listed above. There could be discouragements, innumerable excuses, and underconfidence in facing something that you never did. Nevertheless, breaking the shackles of our relief and confidently facing our fear is our first step toward progress.  

The stage of development involves dealing with issues and challenges in acquiring new skills and extending your comfort zone. This eventually leads to the growth stage where you can establish the purpose and objectives you want to accomplish. Additionally making efforts to attain those objectives.