Can your children’s scorecard showcase their abilities?

All our lives we strive to score well on tests. We make sure to work hard just to score well in exams than to learn something that could be beneficial in the future. Thus, wishing to outperform others to display our abilities. However, this notion made us a part of unhealthy competition. This created pressure on us to work hard to score well. Learning becomes secondary. But is this an ideal thing to put children into? Can this make them ready for the future? The answer is no.

The world we live in now, demands more than just a handsome scorecard. It demands kids to showcase what they have learned and what they are capable of and none of this is dependent on their scorecard. Limiting your children’s abilities just to the scorecard means restricting their abilities. Their abilities can be misjudged. Hence leading to limited opportunities. However, nurturing the idea in kids that getting good scores is not the only way of proving their credibility.

Each child is different. They are unique because of their capabilities. Therefore, to bring all these unique individuals under the same roof and the method to judge their capabilities is unfair. Parents need to shift their focus slightly more on offering options to kids where they can understand their abilities well and get the chance to prove their worth which is not limiting their exposure.

Therefore, as parents, we need to let kids explore and choose what’s best for them. To know how your kids’ can understand the abilities well, Check LogiQminds now.


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