Career Mission- being open to opportunities!

The speed at which the tech around is advancing is affecting everyone. It can make us feel uncertain at times about how long our position is going to exist or also be substituted by robots. So how can we protect ourselves and most importantly the generation that is growing up?

One of the ways is to pay attention to the mission and not to the title of the job. Because ultimately, not very long ago “app designer” was an alien term and did not mean anything to most of us. Thus, to say the job titles disappear faster than how it pops up.

So instead of focusing on the roles of a specific job, creating a mission for ourselves that says what we want to achieve and the problems we wish to resolve. For instance, this way rather than becoming “online innovation director,” we can be clearer on the value of the mission who wishes to develop creative ways of using the online mode to publish books.

Also, when we might feel unclear about the prospective future, we should not think that we are unlucky in that situation. Fortune is not a mysterious force. Rather it is something that can be cultivated by us by being open and alert to all kinds of possibilities in life. For example- one incredible example of a lucky opportunity is when we meet the “right person” which may also address as the “lucky chance encounter”. The more social, the better chance to get inspired by the stories of others.

So, they believe that luck is something that happens to everyone but us is not true, because good things happen to us if we are receptive and open to the infinite opportunities in life.

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