Comparison can hinder the development of kids!

Each kid is different. They have their unique personality which can be enhanced and developed into a better temperament. If we start comparing children who possess such unique personalities it can be a great obstacle in their development. Since children are exclusive in their ways drawing nonsensical comparisons can ruin their confidence and instill self-doubt in them. They would start doubting their abilities which can lead to an adverse impact on their mindset.

Constantly drawing comparisons among children would increase their anxiety and levels of stress. Children only want to please their parents and teachers and not being able to do so can increase their stress. Therefore, leading to decreased self-esteem and the belief that everyone is better than them. it can ruin their good social skills.

As parents and educators, we must be very careful with our words. Sometimes we do not even understand if we are drawing a comparison. Measuring the abilities of other children in a classroom with your kid can harm his emotional intelligence. Undoubtedly evaluation is necessary to understand the development of children. However, this evaluation should not be based on the growth of any other kid but only yours. Using the benchmarks to track your child's progress and growth can help your kid and you understand where he can try harder or the places, he's already good at. Thus, leading to an unbiased evaluation of your child’s development.

Moreover, educators alike should be careful in discussing the progress of students in the class. They should create an environment in the class which initiates positive energy for children to be together and learn rather than start drawing on realistic comparisons among themselves.

To give your kid such an environment where he is safe from any sort of unrealistic comparison that could hinder his development check logical minds now that focus on delivering healthy surroundings for kids to be in.


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