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Emotional Intelligence- The Overall progress of your child

We all have given much attention to the intelligence quotient of a person. It sets a bar for how smart a person can be. Nevertheless, the emotional quotient or EQ is the new topic that has recently been getting all the airtime it needs. What is EQ? It’s the quotient that can help one to identify and manage their tough feelings, accept themselves also empathize with others.  

Intelligence quotient or IQ in kids may not be a good idea to keep in practice from a young age. Whereas EQ can be enhanced with practice even from a very young age. If a kid possesses the ability to understand and control their emotions, they can attain a satisfying life and can motivate them to take the lead in handling their childhood circumstances.  

Parents can observe if their child possesses the following indicators that can further aid them to nurture their kid’s EQ daily.  

  • The kid is being very expressive and makes use of ways to showcase his emotions, maybe through arts and body language.

  • They are observant and open-minded. For an instance-their response to the movie they watch and the level of open-mindedness, they show towards the characters.

  • Interaction in group activities and their response towards their peer’s success and failure. Such interaction is highly recommended to see the EQ of a child and also build the same. Check the activities LogiQMinds offers that can be a roadmap for parents to observe their child’s EQ.

  • They pause before reacting.

To know more about such indicators and tips to build a child’s EQ. Check LogiQminds.