How can you motivate kids who are underachievers?

Parents usually think that they can perhaps find a way to motivate their kids, and the kids would magically begin achieving more. However, it is not all true, everyone is motivated in some way or the other. To state that there are kids who cannot achieve anything at all just because they are not motivated is wrong, they just need to locate their goals and objectives in life that could drive them to achieve what they wish to. 

It is crucial to understand that doing nothing is an action. It is an action that leads to resistance, the resistance to their teachers and parents. They are inspired to use their words and actions that suggest their callousness. Once you recognize that your kids are motivated to accomplish nothing, it will become clear that they expend a lot of energy rejecting you and retreating from you.  

Following are nine steps to consider when your child says he does not care- 

  • Recognize what they consider as incentives and rewards.

  • Take electronics out of their room and do not allow them to show ownership of any gadgets.

  • Make them earn their privileges. These kids should be made to understand that life is not easy, everything is not easy to get.

  • Try to understand their viewpoints and explain yours, rather than getting into arguments.

  • Make them feel that whatever they do, matters to you.

  • Make them responsible and do not do their work.

  • Set an example for them whom they could look up to you.


Check LogiQminds to know what makes a kid an underachiever.  



Understanding your child's needs


Discomfort fosters grit, which is essential for a child's success in life!