How does our fear refrain our development?

Fear is an inevitable emotion. It stops us from making decisions in life that can prove to be life-changing. We often miss opportunities that can be our significant step toward growth and development. Our fear refrains us from stepping out of our comfort zone and instills the under confidence making us believe that “I can fail”. This terrible belief has hindered the development of many capable individuals.

When the fear of failure gets into our minds it leeches on our abilities to perform and achieve what we wish to. This fear is instilled in us from a very young age. Our family, relatives, friends, peers, and society together pull us from believing our worth and capabilities and feed us the fear, fear to fail, and self-doubt that leads hampers our development.

Many of us have lost the opportunities and have failed to break the shackles of our comfort zone. Hence, it must be a lesson we all need to learn. The lesson is to not throw our children into the pit of fear and self-doubt because we know that it can hinder what they want to achieve in life.

Kids are easier to mold into what we want them to be with our love, care, attention, motivation, and belief that “You can do it”. Hence, when nurturing a young mind, we must remember that our little encouragement talks and optimism can make them successful individuals in life with a healthier approach towards life.


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