How to build an effective teacher-student bond?

A good bond between a teacher and his student is not just limited to the classroom. An interaction between an educator and your kid can be a crucial aspect of the overall learning process. As an educator, you need to build an atmosphere for students that make them immensely comfortable and learning fun. At LogiQminds, educators allow such comfort and environment to your children   

Children are often seen little reserved and not very open in discussing their issues with the teacher. The reason for this is that they are scared of their probable response. Thus, the burden lies on the educator to build a healthy bond with kids that brings the best out of them. To build a healthy bond with your students you must-  

  • Make them comfortable in your surrounding

  • Be very appreciative towards them

  • Build trust in them so that they don’t shy away from asking their doubts

  • Allow them to share their opinions

  • Don’t be harsh in notifying them of their mistakes

  • Appreciate them in front of their parents

  • Allow them to evaluate their performance themselves, so that they are well aware of their shortcomings

  • Involve them in activities that seek their attention and build a sense of confidence in them

  • Never criticize him in front of his peers this can hamper his self-assurance

The list above assures a safe and happy environment for kids to be in along with proper supervision. If you wish to engage your kids in such an environment LogiQminds can be your one-stop solution.  


Short version- An educator is probably a person with that a kid spends most of his time. Thus, to allow better learning process educators must give their best shot both in imparting the knowledge and building a healthy bond with the students.  



Importance of spatial capabilities in children!


Negative thought affects the productivity and happiness of your kids.