Importance of understanding the world beyond schools!

It must be quite difficult to be a child today, not referring to the pandemic but rather how circumstances were before it and, no doubt will return to once the pandemic is over. A child attends school for five to six hours per day, six days per week, primarily in a classroom, where there are several strict rules regarding how they are to conduct themselves, including no talking, sitting up straight, no fidgeting, paying attention, no running through the halls, and only playing during physical education.

We unreasonably demand of children a level of conduct that would be difficult for adults to match. All of this is done in the name of purportedly worthwhile learning, almost all of which comes from books. No discovery, no critical thinking, and no enjoyment. And hardly any hands-on work at all.

The utilization of locations other than the classroom for teaching and learning is known as learning outside the classroom. It focuses on bringing kids and teenagers outside and giving them educationally beneficial, entertaining, and demanding activities.

Wherever learning occurs outside of the classroom, the goal is the same, regardless of the venue, activity, or workshop that is mentioned. Give children a hands-on learning opportunity that will prepare them for success in their lives after school.

Learning experiences outside of the classroom are distinct from those that result from traditional teaching methods because learners may be encouraged to use a wider range of soft skills in their learning environment, such as cooperation, leadership, and compromise.

Traditional education emphasizes memorization and repetition, which is good for imparting new information to pupils and instructing those who acquire best by listening. But unlike learning outside of the classroom, conventional education does not support pupils in the cultivation of critical thinking, issue-solving, and decision-making abilities. Learning outside of the classroom can not only help students grasp difficult ideas better, but it can also give them a context for studying a variety of other subjects.

Students who get the opportunity to explore beyond the school walls, benefit from increased self-esteem and become more engaged in their education when their curiosity is fed by exploring the different approaches to education. They can only experience how things are better or worse than their school's classroom learning if they look beyond the walls.


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