Increment in the screen time post-pandemic!

In the world of the Internet, the ways through which we like to spend our time have changed. If we are free from our busy schedule like in the olden times, we don't read books we jump on to check the notifications on our phones.

The Internet has become a part of our lives and daily schedule. Therefore, taking away a great healthy habit that we could have built. Children are learning what they are observing at their home. However, in their early years, if, as parents, we give them a chance to explore various activities other than just sticking our eyes out on screen can develop their creative minds.

In a situation as bad as a pandemic, we had no other option but to meet the needs online. It showed us the opportunity that anything is possible with the facilities online, and so was education. This led to an increment in the number of hours children spend on the computer. Therefore, adding to the need of limiting a child's screen time.

As parents, we need to make sure that even though many fun activities are available for the kids online, we still need to keep them socially active by engaging them in programs and activities that are conducted in person. This would help them interact with their peers and also away from the screen for a good amount of time. Check after-school programs offered at LogiQminds to allow your kids a better spectrum of learning.

Another way of limiting kids' screen time is by developing healthy habits in them. For example, reading, journaling, swimming, painting, etc. Therefore, limiting screen time does not only have health benefits but also allows kids to explore the world around them and be socially active.


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