Know if your kid is a Kinesthetic learner!

We all know that primary learning can be of three types, namely auditory, visual and kinesthetic. An auditory learner needs to hear to learn, a visual learner needs to see to absorb and a kinesthetic learner also known as a tactile learner must experience it to learn it.  

Kinesthetic learners absorb knowledge by moving their bodies. Your child may be a kinesthetic learner if they excel at physical activities, have difficulties sitting still, and prefer hands-on learning. Kinesthetic learners prefer a learning approach that is more practical than theoretical and perform incredibly well if they are allowed to learn something with a hands-on approach. LogiQminds offer such an approach to kids which helps them gain knowledge from experience rather than theoretical knowledge.  

To understand if your child is a kinesthetic learner its important to notice if they are showcasing any of these behaviors- 

  • They must move about while studying.

  • They are usually gifted in athletics and have excellent coordination.

  • When they're being taught, they need variety to break up extended periods of sitting.

  • Drawing what they are learning is beneficial to them.

  • They learn best when you teach them in short bursts.

  • They enjoy investigating and learning about how things function.

  • They learn best through practice.

Parents can help kids to provide kids with an environment that aids their kinesthetic learning, just how as LogiQminds work towards offering an environment that aids kinesthetic learning. 


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