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Know the significance of Project-based learning for kids!

Traditional learning passively made kids memorize facts and recite them. Such an old technique is no longer efficient and enough for preparing children to survive and operate in the current tech-friendly world. Solving complex problems need kids to have fundamental motor skills. The knowledge of various skills that efficiently allows a kid to be sufficient in both its practical and theoretical knowledge is what entails 21st-century learning. With LogiQminds sessions, a kid is facilitated with projects and activities that help him in exploring the practical approach his learning pattern lacked.  

Thus, it can be claimed that the project-based learning does not only deliver a practical approach to a subject but also facilitates a child’s development in the following ways- 

  • It allows an educator with better and more evaluation opportunities

  • Facilitate kids to showcase their competencies while being occupied independently.

  • Shows a kid’s ability to apply the knowledge and skills he has learned

  • Builds a sense of cooperation and teamwork while working on a project with their peers

  • Allow teachers to observe the kind of person a child is

  • Permit kids to do self-evaluation and find ways to enhance the areas they think they need help in

It is well-known that a child demands various styles of learning. If allowed in the same environment they can satisfy their curiosities by understanding and knowing the subject up close. Moreover, with the development in tech such project-based learning furthermore promotes critical thinking and social skills.  

Check LogiQminds now to see how project-based learning is best for your child’s development.