Lectures need to mend their way to fit in the novel manners of teaching!

Do you wonder how many lectures did your kid attend which went unheard and unfocused? Or if the student could barely follow what the teacher is delivering? It is for sure that only a few in the lot can keep up with it. All the students may make it through these classes but what do they learn?

When it all comes down to it, lectures don’t work. A major problem is that with marvelous resources that are available for students all round the clock, they do not seek lectures. This sort of system may have been something that made sense some years ago when an educator was the only entity who possessed the knowledge and experience but the situation is not the same anymore.

In the current times, students do not wish to bear any monotonous lectures that go on and on because the majority suffers do bear it all. For example- Media Lab at MIT, Joi Ito, the Head currently asked one of the students to monitor all the activities of her brain for one week. He noticed that the brain of students’ brain activity was least during the hours of the lectures showcasing lower activity than one has in sleep.

With the development of time and the world, we need to rethink how important it is to adapt to the changes the same. Techniques get outdated too and if the techniques are not altered to keep up with the need of the students, the same is going to impact their education.


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