Reading for Skills V. Reading for Pleasure
As an educator, we can motivate students to adopt reading as a hobby or just for entertainment, however, we must not begin by elaborating and teaching them reading is a skills practice. Understanding the teacher needs to follow a sequence and scope which make focused reading for skills a crucial area to emphasize. This entails teaching the alphabetic principle and fundamental phonemic awareness to young learners before devoting time to the development of phonics abilities and methods. Then, running logs or language checks become standard classroom procedures, and pupils are encouraged to concentrate on fluency. Vocabulary and comprehension techniques are rehearsed and modeled along the way until students can handle these areas on their own.
Leveraging structures of the classroom such as a reading workshop and a composed approach aid kids to go through the different stages of enhancing their reading skills and along the way developing interest in reading.
Frequently, when we consider reading for pleasure, images of reading in a comfortable chair at home or relaxing on a beach may appear in our minds. And while it's important to support those experiences, not all leisure reading needs to take place after school hours. What does pleasure reading look like in a school setting? Well, it may be as easy as spending a few minutes reading to pupils a few days a week. It might also be arranged by encouraging kids to read independently for 15 minutes each day before class. Although there shouldn't be a test or report associated with this period, as a teacher you might think about moving around and consulting with kids while they read. It differs from many other reading activities your pupils participate in because of that. Teachers can also promote reading as a hobby by taking interest in what kids are zealous about.
Moreover, if you’re in seek of a program that helps your kids to develop an interest in reading and also develop significant reading skills, Check LogiQminds today.