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Recognize your children's stress symptoms!

Young children frequently experience stress from conflict at home. For instance, family strife, divorce, or loss may cause children distress. Even positive transitions, like moving into a new house, getting a new brother, or meeting a cherished new stepparent, can be difficult for a youngster.

Another typical concern for children in school. The stress of establishing friends, avoiding bullies, or getting together with their teachers can affect young children. They might also experience stress related to exams and grades.

Determine the symptoms of stress

Youth stress symptoms can manifest in a variety of ways, including:

·       Irritability and Anger- Children frequently struggle to express their emotions in words, and stress can occasionally boil over into irritability and rage. Children and teenagers who are stressed out may be more irritable or argumentative than usual.

·       Behavior shifts: A child who was before a terrific listener is now acting out. A formerly active teen is reluctant to leave his house today. Unexpected changes may indicate high levels of stress.

·       Issues in sleeping-A child or adolescent who has trouble sleeping may complain of being constantly exhausted, sleeping more than normal, or having difficulty sleeping at night.

·       Abandoning obligations: If a teenager starts delaying more than usual, forgets assignments, or ignores obligations all of a sudden, stress may be to blame.

·       Changes in eating patterns: Stress can cause people to eat excessively or insufficiently.

·       Having more illnesses: Physical symptoms of stress are common. Children who are under stress frequently complain of headaches or stomachaches and may visit the school nurse's office frequently.

As parents, we must understand that slight changes in your kid’s mood and behavior are a clear sign of what they must be feeling inside. In such instances, parents can aid their kids the best.