Schrödinger’s- The equation that changed our concept of matter.

In quantum theory, one of the most famous theories is Schrödinger’s equation. It is a branch in physics dealing with the spectacles of sub-atomic and atomic scales. Both the scales are length scales.

The world of quantum is very weird. To present its weirdness, it belongs to a world in which it is considered both a wave as well as a particle. It is very different from a normal human scale and this is why simple concepts change past imagination.

Thus, this is how the Schrödinger’s equation changed the physics of normal scales.

As physicists made more and more discoveries, they concluded the fact that light was not the only thing to have a double and bizarre nature, ie, sometimes having the element of wave and sometimes having the element of particle.

Schrödinger’s equation copies matter as a wave and not a particle and it also explains as to how a wave proliferates. Finally, the equation formulated the quantum theory that successfully explained the duality of a wave-particle.

However, this theory is not restricted to laboratories, it also depends on modern-day electronics. Moden memory chips are formed of semiconductors which is a crystalline materials containing electrical conductivity. The knowledge related to quantum theory is needed for those who understand as to how electrons move within the crystal. Therefore, it can be said that semiconductor technology has been formed on the quantum theory.

Examples of gadgets that depend on the knowledge of quantum include mobile phones, cars, computers, CD players, and refrigerators. They contain a type of memory chip that depends on quantum theory.

Thus, it can be said that along with the Einstein’s theory of relativity, the theory of quantum is one of the most operative theories of physics.


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