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Sibling comparison and how it instills negativity in kids?

Though unintentionally, parents instill negativity in kids. Where Parents are supposed to be a source of inspiration for their kids and help them achieve their objectives, they can also be inadvertently harming their kid’s mental health.

Research says that the most prominent root cause for dislike and negative feelings among siblings is because of their continuous comparisons especially when drawn by their parents. They believe that the comparison would help the underperforming sibling to do as good as the other whereas it, in most cases develops pessimism in a young mind. Young kids can fall into this competition even without realizing and they see their elder siblings just as their competitors who are better than them. They strive to be better than them rather than focusing to improve their abilities to be the best in their ways.

The harm is not only caused to the one who lacks but also to the one who is always appreciated and shown as an example to the other. It instills in them that they are superior based on their performance and much liked by their parents. They start to believe that their performance behavior is what makes them likable. Thus, it develops a sense of understanding that they are invincible. It harms both sides of the coin.

The most significant damage that this can cause is the lack of love and care between two siblings. Nevertheless, this does not mean that parents should refrain from appreciating and criticizing the kids when there is a need to, but this has to be done on an individual basis rather than joining in comparison between the siblings.

To know more about how parents can observe the loopholes in their parenting that never crossed their minds, check LogIQminds today.