Significance of Cognitive abilities for kids!

Cognitive abilities can be described as the skills which are brain-based that we need to undertake any task either complex or simple. They involve mechanisms Like learning, problem-solving, remembering, and paying attention. These mechanisms are not part of our actual knowledge. For example - answering the phone call, lifting the receiver, and replying to the person. All of These functions do not involve any specific knowledge but rather rely more on skills of language, social, and motor. With LogiQmind's engaging learning technique your young kids can start developing cognitive abilities more effectively.  

The cognitive development of kids involves-  

  • Response inhibition

  • Sustained attention

  • Pattern recognition

  • Multiple simultaneous attention

  • Speed of processing information

  • Category formation

  • Working memory

  • Cognitive flexibility


The development of these skills in kids must start from an early age. Parents play a very crucial role in developing these skills in their kids. Parents and teachers can aid kids to develop their ability to pay attention by pointing things out that seem significant or fascinating and then asking children to comment on their remarks. For example- after a zoo trip, asking a question like, which animal did they like the most or what did they notice in a certain animal and questions like these help kids to observe closely.  

Before learning the subjective skills, it is significant to enhance the cognitive abilities of the kids which can make the learning process easier and faster. Moreover, these vital skills enable kids to develop sensory material and ultimately learn to evaluate, examine, remember, draw contrasts and understand the cause and effect. 


To know more about developing your kids’ cognitive abilities, check LogiQminds now. 



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