Tackle the pressure to be “the best”!

“I am the best”, what does this statement makes you feel when you hear someone say it? What ideas do we get from that person who claims it? Usually, we don’t pay heed to someone who claims to be the best. However, when we get one as a compliment, we feel great. This is exactly what satisfies our pride.

When people appreciate us, we sense that our work is being liked and nobody can do it better than us. Moreover, we believe that this is what we are expected to do for the longest time. Undoubtedly, this does boost our confidence and esteem. However, the moment we get insecure thinking “what if I am not consistent?”, this hurdles our productivity. There is pressure in everything, even to be the best is one.

However, to be consistent in what we do, we must never forget that if we can do something that makes us the best, we can still do better. More than anything, we have to ensure that we have to put our 100% into what we do best.

Consistency in our work makes us better and helps us to build something that makes us “the best”. A day’s work does not make anyone the best but consistency does. Therefore, the best way to tackle the pressure is by continuing to do what you do that you think makes you the best.

To know more about why is it equally important for kids to tackle the pressure they face in the learning process, Check Logiqminds today


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