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Taking time is fine for a better result.

“Time waits for none”, is the saying that keeps us going. However, is that all true? Do we need the time to wait for us? Or do we just have to set limits for ourselves or for the convenience that we cannot spend much of our time behind things that demand our time and attention?

To achieve our goals, it is important that we are ready to put in all that is required and one of these is our time. If we stringently believe that investing time in one thing can be the loss of that time, it can affect our ability to perform and also the results that we expect.

Adults especially refrain from picking on something different at a certain age just because they think that their time to learn a new skill is over and if they start late, they would not be able to yield the best benefits. Undoubtedly, starting early is a benefit however if one chooses to start late or consume more time that does not deprive him of the benefits.

If we want to achieve our long-term goals, we need patience and need to invest the time it demands. We need to step out of the myth that taking too much time is a sign of laziness and lack of hard work which is why we are taking time to finish a job or even achieve our goals.

Even as parents, we need to make our kids aware that patience and investment of time are two crucial keys to success in the longer run.