Targeted-based education is the key to acquiring novel skills!

Jaden is a mechanic and works in an aeronautical firm. His annual income is close to $40,000 and he is serving in this industry for more than 10 years now. With the salary he gets and in a country like the US, he can afford a decent life. However, he is at the risk of losing his job because of automation. The problem is that his labor would be substituted by automation someday.

Jaden is a responsible worker and his boss does not want to lose an employee like him. However, he would like to alter his responsibilities from machining to something that he could manage. But Jaden does not possess the necessary skills for the work.

The question arises what if Jaden had more options, that could have allowed him to enhance his skills without needing a great commitment of time to spend in night school.

Other than demanding money and time, traditional programs can feel repetitive for students who already have picked a lot of skills that are being taught. The need of the hour is to make sure that the students not only enhance their technical skills but also their human skills. The most efficient way to do this is through problem-based on modularized coaching that showcases kids how to manage the real world and meaningful challenges. Companies and firms can benefit from virtual and augmented reality to impart skills with the help of simulated scenarios.

LogiQminds offers such an environment to your kids where the process of learning is not restricted to just a field but to a broader perspective which facilitates the holistic development of kids through modularized learning.


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