Teachers’ approach toward fixed curriculum!

A teacher more than his knowledge is known for his experience. Moreover, teaching is a blend of both. We cannot describe the characteristics of a good teacher but we can understand teachers’ approaches to teaching.

We all have had at least one teacher in our lives who made learning fun and easy for us or imparted some important life lessons. The definition of a good teacher is subjective. However, we all can understand if the process of teaching is beneficial or not.

As we know teachers have to follow a fixed curriculum for the subject but it completely depends on how the teacher chooses to deliver the same to the students. There are two ways in which teachers can do this.

Firstly, by following the curriculum strictly and imparting everything that the curriculum suggests. Thus, establishing a very limited approach toward the fixed curriculum. Secondly, he can use his experience and knowledge of the subject to make students understand what he gained from learning the same and to the best of his understanding.

The idle process of teaching involves both of these. A strict approach to the fixed curriculum can limit students’ understanding of the subject matter and a lesson based on teachers’ knowledge can be a little complex without any theoretical base.

However, when the two are blended becomes the ideal approach that the teachers must have for the fixed curriculum. Teachers in other cases alter the ways and opt for different methodologies solely dependent on the flexibility of the curriculum.


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