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Teaching kids to balance between Academics and Extracurricular Activities!

Children today have a full day of activities ahead of them. Their days are filled with schoolwork, extracurricular activities, sports training, tutoring, coaching classes, and other things to do. The pressure to be all-arounders who achieve in both academics and extracurricular activities adds to the burden. This may cause a child to feel quite stressed.

You, as a parent, are the person who understands your children better and is most aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Here are some effective methods for balancing academics and extracurricular activities without getting stressed out:

Ten suggestions to get the correct balance

1.     Begin early

Get your kid on a schedule before he reaches adolescence. Start as soon as you can. Set up a timetable for him with appropriate lunchtimes and a sleep regimen as soon as he is a toddler. Increase the number of activities on his daily schedule as he gets older. Because of the progressive rise, he won't feel overburdened if he has many lot to get done in a day.

2.     Start with books

Your child has to be attentive and aware of school. Make studying in the morning a habit. Help him understand that academics come first and that it's okay to mix up his time for studying with some enjoyable activities.

3.     Make a good schedule.

If you don't prepare, you're preparing to fail, they say. This proverb is well-known and frequently credited to Benjamin Franklin. Create a list of every task your kid must complete each day. Next, keep track of activities with set times, such as dinner. To make room for the ones with a definite schedule, distribute flexible activities across the day.

4.     Watch your intake.

To grow, your child needs healthy nourishment. You must often check on his nutrition to ensure that it is well-balanced to ensure he is attentive and healthy. Make sure she eats nutritious snacks and gets enough water. She will perform better as a result of this.

5.     Keep reminders

Whether it's your smartphone, your laptop, or a simple post-it note - all of them can be used as reminders. To keep yourself up-to-date on schedules, especially if you have more than one child, reminders can come in handy.

6.     Motivate and maintain

Your words of encouragement will help your child develop habits that help him meet his expectations. Like adults, children too need words that can cheer them up, encourage them to move ahead, and help them maintain their interest in their work.

7.     Make a wise decision.

Make sure your child wants the extracurricular activities you choose, not the other way around. Enrolling her in a course with a shorter duration might be a good idea if you are unsure about long-term courses. Don't overwhelm her with activities, please.

8.     Rely on reliability

Be constant in your praise, encouragement, and disciplinary methods in addition to when you establish a pattern. A consistent atmosphere is best for your child's development. Your child's confidence will increase with this kind of consistency.

9.     Insist on having the proper outlook

When your child approaches life with the appropriate attitude, it becomes more meaningful. She must comprehend the value of both academics and extracurricular pursuits to lead a balanced life.

10.  Promote teamwork

Parents and kids can connect over shared interests through study partners, team sports, and extracurricular activities. A group can offer support at trying times and maintain your child's enthusiasm for her work.

Help your child develop into a self-assured, independent person by teaching them how to manage their academics and extracurricular activities in a balanced way.