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Tech integration by thoroughly trained educators makes 21st-century education possible.

Integration of technology involves the utilization of resources like computers and mobile devices like tablets, phones, cameras software applications, internet, LMS, etc in the daily practices of the classroom and the operations of the school. Efficient successful integration of technology is achievable when the utilization of tech- 

  • Transparent and scheduled

  • Readily accessible for the work at hand

  • Supporting curricular objectives and aiding the learners to successfully attain their objectives

When the tech integration is most effective, an educator and a kid do not refrain from thinking that he is utilizing the best tool of technology. Moreover, learners are active in participating in projects when the tech tools are a significant part.  

Before we discuss how we can change the pedagogy in the classroom, we must what proper tech- integration is. Seamless integration is achievable when learners not only use the technology every day, however, can access the diverse tools that can serve as a match to the work at hand and offer learners the opportunity to establish comprehensive information about the content.  

The motivation to accept the change is a major need for successful tech integration. It is a fact that technology is evolving rapidly at a pace it has never been. It is a continuous process and demands incessant learning.  


To understand what are the different types of tech integration, Check LogiQminds today!!