Understand the non-verbal conversation!

Body language is that part of communication that often comes secondary to verbal communication. But if we think closely, isn’t it something that should come before any other techniques? Our body postures and expressions talk before we do.  

We often ensure that our kids' vocabulary, knowledge, grammar, and voice are on point when they are communicating. However, what we forget is that they need to be equally great with their body language when they are communicating in public. For instance- a child can be extremely smart and knowledgeable and is a great speaker, but if he cannot maintain equally admirable posture and expressions, it can impact the overall perception that his audience can have.  

Maintaining great language can do the work even when your kid is not talking. For instance- if a kid is slouched and does not maintain eye contact, we immediately understand that he is not interested to be present where he is, whereas if we notice that a kid maintains a straight posture and eye contact and is being generous by smiling, that has a positive impact on all of us. This attracts the audience to listen to what he has to say or what his opinions are. 

Body language is a crucial constituent of an efficient speaker. A person cannot be addressed as a great speaker if he does not establish his credibility with his- 

  • Voice

  • Content

  • Body language

Parents may not help kids with content and voice from an early age but body language is something that can be worked on from an early age. 

Check LogiQminds for more details on How Kids’ Communication Skills and Body Language can be enhanced. 


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