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Why do your kids need a break from their busy schedules?

We all have something that requires all the attention that keeps us busy all the time. However, we all are mortals. We all need a break to keep our minds working. Kids nowadays are occupied with so many things that even the whole day falls short to accommodate their schedule. Undoubtedly, they need to cope with the advancements of the world but the break is important.

Working with all dedication and without getting tired is great. However, our mind needs to take the rest it deserves and our body to feel energetic. Kids can barely realize how tiring their schedule is because they have no idea how it feels to stay in leisure. Parents are satisfied with what their kids do all day but a short break for a day or two only refreshes their minds to work even better.

This short break should be a reward for kids to work hard at their age. It is like a “me time” where kids get a chance to discover their tastes and preferences that are far from their monotonous daily lives. Not only parents, but teachers can also play a huge part to break the chain of monotony by allowing kids to have a little break from their curriculum.

A recess where kids get the liberty to do what they want or to do nothing at all is like a time where they could be themselves without getting under any sort of performance or peer pressure, which is hard to hard escape in this competitive world.

To know how a little break and rest leads to self-discovery check LogiQminds today!