Why does asking questions make you smarter?

Do you get uncomfortable when asking questions? Or, worried about what people would think of you if your question many times? Asking questions make you appear smarter because those who ask questions are the one who understands. If we refrain from asking questions and clearing doubts, it can deprive us of knowing something that we don’t. Moreover, as parents, we need to be sure, that we build confidence in kids and nurture them with the belief that asking questions is a sign of intelligence and understanding.

Children are always curious about things that even as adults we don't tend to notice. They are desperately seeking answers to their questions, and this curiosity becomes a key to their intelligent brain only if they are patiently answered. A better understanding is only facilitated in kids when they get answers to all their questions. As parents, we need to ensure that no matter if the questions are tough or easy, too many or complicated, we need to be patient with their questions and satisfy their curiosity.

It would refrain them from believing that asking questions is not a good thing rather would motivate them to seek answers till they succeed.

So, the next time your child is asking too many questions, rather than getting irritated feel happy that he is curious to know things that help in his brain development moreover makes him smarter.

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