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Why does reading make your kid feel bored?

Too many children are unable to read, but there is another rising issue in this country. We're witnessing an increasing number of youngsters who can read but don't. There are numerous sources of distraction. Children do not live in tiny log cottages where all they do is read. It could be a result of a mix of watch time and completing a lot of tedious worksheets at school. It's difficult to rekindle a child's interest in reading once they've lost interest.

Reading is no different than any other talent. You won't build the vocabulary, abilities, or ease unless you practice. You will not be able to interpret it quickly. Even though they are outstanding readers, some high schoolers find reading a chapter in a book is like overtiring labor.

However, parents can help motivate their kids to read. It is all dependent on the mode used.

For a short period, attempt to make it relaxed and low-key. Share something you've created. Read some amusing or interesting passages from a book you're reading aloud.

Demonstrate how much you enjoy it. Make it as brief and as light as possible. Don’t make it appear overbearing, particularly if your kid is being dismissed from school.

For students who have lost their desire to read, the key is to find stuff that they are passionate about. Your child may have to separate what he's about at school from the skills of reading for pleasure.

Check LogiQminds now to know how reading helps your kids’ development.