Why school learning is considered to be monotonous by kids?

Children often seek to do something exciting around them. They are always curious to find a way of doing interesting things rather than being stuck with repetitive work or activities. This could be one of the most significant reasons why most children don’t like going to school. Why does the idea of spending time at home on a day off from school sound very exciting to many kids? The reason is not very complicated. The schedule that they have to follow every day at school gets very monotonous for them.  

There is not much of a chance to blame kids in such a situation. In the development of the process of learning, we need to ensure that learning becomes fun and instill curiosity in children about the skills they are learning. Few reasons why school learning can be boring for your kids – 

  • Lack of opportunities to show their abilities. Children like to be challenged. They are in search of chances where they can prove their worth. However, in school, they are often deprived of the opportunity thus making it not so an appealing experience for them.

  • In school, children good in academics are given the incentive through rewards and praise. However, those kids who are looking for better ways to showcase their abilities are left with no incentives which demotivate them.

  • Lack of interaction between the teacher and the students develops a situation for a kid which is uncomfortable. Thus, not allowing him to share his doubts and concerns.

  • The limitation of the practical approach is one reason why children nowadays don't get to experience the applicability of what they are learning.

To allow your kids a practical learning experience, check programs at LogiQminds now. 



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