We all are unique

We are Unique and We are Special

Every individual is unique in their own way, and each of us has different strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics that make us who we are. Embracing our uniqueness allows us to flourish and grow infinitely, and there are myriad attributes that begin to establish our uniqueness. For example, our experiences set us apart from other individuals in the way that we see and respond to moments in different ways. Picture two children on a camping trip with their mother and father; the two sisters go exploring together in the wilderness and come upon a small bear cub. While the elder sister is not scared by the cub, the younger sister stands paralyzed in fear. The younger sister quickly recalls an article she read during school that said to slowly walk away from the bear and remain calm, so they begin to do so. The bear runs away from the two children, and they make it back to camp. From this experience, the younger sister develops an innate fear of bears, whilst the eldest sister begins researching bears and learning everything she is able to upon venturing home. Both sisters stood in the same vicinity of the bear, yet they both reacted differently to the encounter: uniquely.

 In our uniqueness, we are able to find how we excel and struggle as characteristics of our personalities. Once again, take into account the two sisters. The eldest sister is brave and bold in the face of danger, where she stood unwavering; yet, she did not know what to do during the interaction with the bear. However, the youngest sister applied an educational article to their real-life situation in order to resolve it but still developed an innate fear of bears after the encounter. Just like the two girls, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, which contribute to our uniqueness.

Amongst other attributes that are correlated to our uniqueness as individuals, creativity is also something that tends to set others apart as unique. There are some individuals that are very capable of writing brilliant, bold, and exciting stories, while there are other individuals that may imagine a picture on a canvas and paint it to perfection. The unique, creative thoughts of individuals guide the world towards a better place. Differences help us to develop new innovations for society and help us to continually grow and develop the space around us.

Additional characteristics that stand us apart as individuals are our beliefs, genetics, relationships, and hobbies. Our intelligence, taste, personality, and humor are also among these qualities. Our uniqueness in the world is what defines us as individuals. The most unique individuals in the world are the people who fully embrace who they are and are willing to live life according to everything that makes up who they are. Individuals who embrace their uniqueness have the capability to create and destroy the most mind-boggling formations.  Finding your uniqueness matters because it allows you to create opportunities that give you choice – and ultimately that choice provides a platform for you to become truly engaged and fulfilled on a daily basis.

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