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Make your kids Dream Big 

Make Kids Dream Big

Every child dreams of what they want to become when they grow up, just as you and I once did. Some of us had supportive parents who fostered those dreams and helped them grow, while others had practical parents who altered the paths of our dreams with reality.

 Often, due to the influence of the personal conditions at home (i.e financial, etc), we fear to dream big. 

However, with youth, there is optimism, imagination, and manifold possibilities; it is the principal time to develop creativity and confidence within our children. Allowing our children to dream big and shoot for the stars allows them to develop these attributes and allows them to gain self-worth. 

Encourage your children to dream big, and better yet, dream with them.

Oftentimes, our children's dreams are brazen and unimaginable to ourselves, but these are some of the most important aspirations. These hopes and desires may be the leading change in our futures. Your child may be the next Shakespeare, Van Gogh, or even Isaac Newton. At a young age, there is little fear and judgment to hold you back from developing those big dreams. 

As parents, when we encourage our children to follow their heart’s desire, we do not stifle their creativity, we do not show them our version of reality, and we do not force our dreams upon them. We build them up and show them that anything is possible. When children have the confidence to pursue whatever dream they may think into existence, they have the ability to change the world.

As Harriet Tubman once said, “every great dream begins with a dreamer.” Let’s help our children become the greatest dreamers the world has ever known. Below are a few ways to encourage your children to dream big.


Ways to Encourage Big Dreams in Our Kids 

  • Allotting your children time to come up with their own ideas and thoughts encourages their creativity and allows them to develop their own paths of thought. Creativity and imagination are important as they are the basis of all new ideas; they formulate the possibilities of actions, thoughts, new inventions, and theories.

Allow them to follow their own dreams.

  •  Sometimes, as parents, it is difficult to set aside our hopes and goals for our children and allow them to follow their own; however, this is a chiefly important aspect of developing THEIR dreams. In order for our children to dream big, it is important that they are imagining something that is within their heart’s content, not ours. Dreams are about what sets our souls on fire, and this is just as important in our children’s dreams.

Introduce them to intellectuals (it may be someone from our own family etc)

  • Big thinkers are inspiring, motivating, and can be life-changing. When children are surrounded by individuals who stick to their goals and live their lives creatively and confidently, it shows them that this lifestyle is obtainable. They can encourage little thinkers to think big.

Show them how to set and stick to goals.

  • Teaching a child how to develop a plan for their dream is one of the most important steps in developing their dream. Without a plan of action, or not having clarity as to where to begin, children may tend to lose their dreams and divert to something that seems easier for them. 

  Also, when a child knows the exact way and also get the right guidance, on how to achieve their dreams, they in turn increase the ability to achieve further goals which they set with time.

Lead by an example.

  • This is one of the most important tips any parent should follow. Your child will see you as one of the most significant role models in their lives, which is why it is so important for them to see that you are a big dreamer as well. 

Show them how to follow their passions and find something that is well suited for them as individuals. Give them ambition and drive. 

Kids should dream big because there are no limitations on what they can do if they put their mind to it, and we have to teach them to do that.


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