Children and Society

Children and the Future Society

Social sciences help in understanding the dynamics of social life. We are living in an age where Society is of most importance. 

Children are considered the youth and are an integral part of society. 

A child goes through various stages of life –

·  Infancy

·  Childhood

·  Adolescence

·  Adulthood


Children are supposed to be trained according to societal norms so they fit into the society and are able to adjust without any hindrances.To introduce our children to this “SOCIETY” Education is the main necessity. The perfect knowledge depends on the age of the child and gradually increases as the children get older.Children are required to produce conventional wisdom which is tested at regular intervals from an early age. In a child’s growing years the first few years are spent at home where family is the only world to a child and these are the people he/she would see often. But as time goes by the children start going to school which is the first milestone and exposure to the world away from the parents who have protected them from the time they were born.

The school is a happy environment, with lots of fun, activities, learning, games, music, etc. The most important “FRIENDS” become important and slowly they understand this word which has a lot of meaning. Each child in the classroom belongs to a different family. Each child’s behavior is very different and CHILDREN ARE GOOD OBSERVERS AND GRASP things very quickly. Attitudes and behavior vary among children. As they have taken their first step outside HOME into the society it’s a change with a lot of experiences and many things to learn. Each day they learn something new. Most time at school is spent with teachers and they are equal to mothers who give them the right guidance and values to make them good human beings. Children learn how to get along with each other. They are taught etiquette, respect elders, and treat people equally.  Children need to know the importance of Society because they are a part of it. Their journey moves towards a knowable destination. Slowly as time goes by

A question arises to the children – WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? 

We get numerous answers. WHY? 

The reason is – They have been introduced into the society and are aware of various things but not in-depth, but few places they have visited or seen people do has been interesting for them which is good because they are observant, their presence of mind is getting stronger and they are being aware of what they see.

Some answers children could say-

I want to be a doctor.

I want to be a teacher.

I want to fix bicycles (because he/she was fascinated seeing how the bicycle got fixed) etc.

Children start comparing themselves with their companions and start getting materialistic because of what they see. This should be controlled with the right explanation, reasons, and whether it is really important or not. Once a child learns how to move ahead along with the societal norms he/she will turn out to be a beautiful human being. “Building a solid foundation in the early years of a child’s life will not only help him or her reach their full potential, but will also result in better societies as a whole.”


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