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What is your Parenting Style?

What is My Parenting Style?

Parenting comes with a humongous role. Dealing with children is a task and an art. Once a child enters your life everything changes. But these changes are for the good, lots of fun, loads of responsibilities, sacrifices and your child is your world ! Your life will revolve around your child and you will always want to do and give your best.

Some parenting styles are:

Being authoritative: This parenting is “it is my house, you have to follow my rules”. These parents have their own guidelines and expect the children to follow them and do as they say. But for instance if the child does not listen they still understand, mend their ways and nurture them. The reason they follow this is to be disciplined and not restrict their children too much. They believe in giving punishments for their betterment like standing in the corner, no playtime for 2 days, no candy will be given, writing an imposition, etc.

Being permissible: This is the lenient parenting. They do not believe in being strict. They do not expect too much from the child. They are friendly and nurture them. If a child has made a mistake they will explain the pros and cons of what happened politely as a friend and move on.

Attachment Parenting: Here these parents believe in closeness and unity. They are overprotective about their kids. They believe in family time, being together, and spending time as one unit and there is an emotional bond with the child and will normally give in to the child’s wants.

Instinctive Parenting: These parents will do what their gut says. They believe in the olden theories, no particular formula as such. They just follow their instincts and remember how their parents brought them up. They have their own trials and errors. They follow their own styles.

Helicopter Parenting: They parents interfere too much because of the love and affection. They hover around the children like a helicopter and keep a close watch on everything. With this nature the child will backfire and they will become very dependent on them and it will be very difficult for the children’s future.

Children also need their space and should enjoy their childhood to the fullest. Life is precious and they should make the maximum use of it under your guidance!

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