Comparison between traditional and constructive classrooms!

As we observe the evolution of education, sticking to traditional classrooms can offer nothing more than the theories and acquisition of the subject matter. However, evolving with time and developing classrooms into constructive environments can offer the benefits of traditional classrooms in addition to the mastery of skills, science, and personality and establishing self-learning. 

To know the details of these two classroom learnings, check, LogiQminds today. Both of these classroom learnings have their benefits, to understand this, check the points of distinction listed below-  

Traditional classroom 

  • The lesson is offered in part or a whole which emphasizes the basic skills.

  • The fixed curriculum is strictly followed and abides by.

  • The lessons and explanations are based on textbooks.

  • The usage of recorders and tapes is present.

  • Educators make use of chalkboards and whiteboards.

  • learners are trained strictly by educators.

  • To verify students' learning, teachers look for the right response.

  • Testing is the primary method used to evaluate student learning, which is seen as distinct from instruction.

  • Pupils operate mostly on their own.

Constructive classroom  

  • The curriculum is delivered from beginning to end with an emphasis on major ideas.

  • Responses to student inquiries are highly valued.

  • Manipulatives and primary sources are among the materials.

  • Have some educational videos and music.

  • The educators explain the matter with the screen

  • The teachers are not always available for the kids; thus, they must develop their independence.

  • In order to comprehend students' current conceptions and utilize them in later sessions, teachers seek out the perspectives of the pupils.

  • The evaluation of student performance is a crucial component of instruction and takes place through instructor observation of learners at work and student presentations.

  • Students typically collaborate in groups or teams.


Today, the current period, science and technology are essential to our existence. However, this does not imply that we must get rid of anything outdated. One of the elements that significantly influence how well students and teachers connect is the educational media. Teachers need to be aware of, grateful for, and capable of using these resources. It must include both conventional and contemporary instructional media that can aid in the students' learning. All of those contribute to keeping the teacher-student interaction positive in the current modern era. 


High Impact Learning- the tool for unfinished learning.


Divergent thinking in the classroom!