Social and emotional learning- the new age of learning

Today, parents are aware of the new skills that are in demand. They understand that kids need more than just the basic academic knowledge that they gain in their schools and colleges. Other than acquiring knowledge in different fields, having a stable understanding of interacting with society is also significant.

Studies suggest that Social and Emotional Learning does not just enhance achievements by 11%, but also the prosocial behaviors (namely, empathy, kindness, and sharing), encourage the kids to have a positive attitude towards their schools, and decrease stress and depression among kids. Effective SEL program comprises coordinated schoolwide, classroom, community, and family practices. It aids students to develop the following skills-

Self-management- it needs attitudes and skills that aid the capability to manage your behaviors and emotions. This comprises the understanding of managing stress, controlling impulses, and persevering through challenges to achieve goals.

Self-awareness- this involves the understanding of your personal goals, emotions, and values. This comprises assessing your strengths and shortcomings, possessing an optimistic mindset and a sense of self-efficacy.

Social awareness- it is the ability to empathize, understand, and feel compassion for people who belong to different cultures and backgrounds. Moreover, it also includes the knowledge of social norms and identifying school, family, and community supports and resources.

Relationship skills- this help kid to develop and maintain a rewarding and healthy relationship and act according to the social norms. It involves communicating, cooperating, negotiating conflicts, seeking help when required, and fighting inappropriate social compression.

Responsible decision-making- This includes learning to make positive choices about social and personal behaviors and social communication across various settings. It enables the understanding of moral standards, suitable behavior patterns, well-being of others and oneself.

To Know about how SEL is infused in the students and how it aids their development and makes them future-ready, Check LogiQminds today.


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