The 8 types of intelligence you need to know about!

Not all of us have the same innate talents. Some people are more coordinated and athletic. Some children learn language and words more quickly than others, while others excel in math and can see patterns in numbers. But because most people don't fully comprehend their variety of skills, they could choose the wrong careers. Or, they might appreciate what they do but find it difficult to find the learning methods that will assist them to develop. 

To understand your abilities and skills better, it is crucial to understand the study of multiple intelligence. Introduced in the year 1983, Howard Gardner (professor and psychologist at Harvard University) in his book “Frames of Mind, stated that human intelligence can be of eight types. This ' intelligence’ describe how different people process the given information.  

  • Spatial Intelligence- the capacity for abstract thought and multidimensional thinking. A five indicates that you have strong spatial thinking and conceptualization skills, which are important in careers like graphic design, architecture, interior design, photography, and aviation.

  • Kinesthetic/ Bodily intelligence-a skill that involves using your body to show off your strength and athleticism. If you possess this talent, you might be an athlete who can pass the ball and run down the field with ease or a dancer who can execute a difficult performance with ease.

  • Musical Intelligence-sensitivity to meter, tone, melody, pitch, and timbre. The skill to sing or play instruments may be required for this. Beethoven, Jimi Hendrix, and Aretha Franklin are well-known examples of musically intelligent persons.

  • Linguistic intelligence- This is sometimes referred to as "language intelligence," because it entails awareness of the significance of words, their arrangement within sentences, as well as their sounds, rhythms, inflections, and meters. People who perform well in this area are often adept in reading, writing, and memorizing.

  • Logical-Mathematical skills- the capacity to perform mathematical calculations, conduct mathematical operations and conduct scientific investigations. Bill Gates and Albert Einstein are examples of people with high intellect who are adept at formulating equations and proofs as well as addressing abstract problems.

  • Intrapersonal intelligence- a capability for planning and acting in light of one's characteristics, as well as sensitivity to one's sentiments, aspirations, and fears. Intrapersonal intelligence is a goal for every person in a complicated modern world where one must make important decisions for oneself. It is not restricted to particular professions.

  • Interpersonal Intelligence- the capacity to communicate well with others. sensitivity to the emotions, temperaments, and motives of others. Being able to comprehend and relate to individuals around you is essentially what it is.

  • Naturalistic Intelligence- being able to distinguish between different animals, plants, and other parts of nature. Famous examples of naturalistic intelligence include Jane Goodall and Charles Darwin.

Remember that this is only a brief to help you better understand your strengths. Your career and your top abilities and interests—do they mesh well? If not, how are you going to use these to get where you're going? 


We have a greater chance of discovering how we can meet objectives in both our professional and personal lives when we have a deeper awareness of our inherent talents. 


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