What makes you the best teacher

We are often discussing things parents can do for their kids and their careers. However, the role an educator plays in a kid’s development is even more significant than we think it to be. As an educator, you not just only impart the knowledge you have but also serve as an example of what a kid can idolize to be. Teachers allow students to identify their capabilities better than anyone else and can be the reason behind a confident child. However, if an educator focuses only on imparting knowledge and limits students’ capabilities to their scores, this can hurt a kid’s progress.

Other than just teaching what’s in the curricula, efficient educators inculcate life skills in their students. They focus on initiating two-way communication and addressing the doubts of the students without instilling self-doubt in them. Moreover, they do not only teach but learn from their students ensuring that learning is a two-way process. Most importantly, they do not restrict the following of ideas and knowledge in the classroom. For all the years a teacher teaches, he gives away the lessons of life he ever learned to his students for them to be successful in life.

A great teacher is like a boon to students. The impact they have on their students’ lives is more than good academic results. We all have had an educator in our lives that have directly or indirectly positively affected our lives and the one who we remember for the rest of our lives. This is the best example of a great teacher.


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