Self-love -The lesson for life.

Self-love is not the most discussed part of parenting, yet the most significant. Nurturing kids to love and respect others has always been an important lesson to instill. However, teaching them to love themselves is not very common

Self-love is the first step toward developing a mindset that is confident and motivated. If kids are nurtured to love and respect themselves, they understand how important it is for others to be respected and loved too.

In a generation where the gaps between parents and kids are increasing every day due to several obvious reasons, self-loving should be the most important lesson to teach.

Social media has bridged the gap globally. The exposure is humongous and so is the pressure to be ‘perfect’. There are new standards that are being set every day. People are falling prey, especially kids and young teens. They are into a race that is not titled but is severely competitive and pressurizing. Kids and young teens are finding ways to be someone they idolize on social media.

And this is why teaching self-love has become significantly critical for kids, starting from an early age and helping the kids who are trying to tick the checklist of unrealistic standards set by people on social networking sites.

Kids need to be taught that no standards set by others justify their abilities or make them less attractive.

Understand more about how parents can help kids to love and appreciate their self-beings. Check LogiQminds today!


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